Thursday, December 23, 2010

It's The Eve

Ok. So I haven't slept yet so it's not really Christmas Eve yet but I am excited here! There are two things I love to do on during this holiday. The first is to tell the story or baby Jesus and Mary. Recently I have found a movie I truely like that helps Midget understand the truth of baby Jesus' story and that is "The Nativity". I thought it was too advanced for her 7 years but she seems to get it if we talk about it and I let her interupt the movie whenever she wants with whatever question she has. Plus I just love that movie. The second is to real aloud "T'was the Night Before Christmas". Santa isn't a big part of anything but just like the toothfairy he has his purpose here for a little while in her childhood. I know some people wont agree with that but it's just the way it is with us. My family always read the story and it just seems natural to sit all cuddled up and read about our imaginary friend Santa. Love opinions if you have time go ahead and tell me all about your traditions.

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