I found out a little while ago that my local library is having a small problem. I know that my library is an off-shoot of the Main Library and that is where they get their orders from. I have a chosen day that I go to this library and each week I borrow a few books and decide which ones are worth the buying price for our "homestead and how to" collection. The Main Library cannot afford to hire people so they have "drafted"
our library lady to work for them every other Saturday until thing begin to go better in the economy meaning that ours has to be Closed every other Saturday. Some people can only afford the gas to go to town once a week and now the Library may not be on their list quite so much anymore. I hate that! Librarys are important to me and my kid. My town day is not Saturday so this hasn't affected me so much as it could have. The silver lining? The library isn't
Closing closing
like so many others these days, and thats something in such a small town. Sometimes you just gotta give up something small (like one day) so you can keep the main good.