Haven't gotten to anything off my list lately. Too bust exploring my new love of sock making. 3 Pair down and 1 pair on the needles. I am trying to slow down and get back to the list so the pair OTN is going to be just "waiting/visiting" knitting.
I do have a question for everyone though. Do you take your on the go project with you everywhere or would it be considered rude to take it with you to...say a barbeque? I took mine and worked away at a pair of socks while chatting with the family and friends that my uncle invited. That is pretty much when I decided I may be knitting too much or at least too many socks.
I have been working on that uber secret matching set for a B-day present but I still can't show any pics yet and I have done a few rows of my other wip's (the mystery shawl and Cornfield stirt), started something new and quick too. I think I needed a quick project to make me feel like I was getting somewhere.
As to the Mystery shawl, I'm glad so many people like it, I had wondered if whoever gets it for their present was going to like it with so many different designs going on and absolutely no symmetry, so that bodes well :). I didn't mean last week that I wasn't going to work on it anymore just that I disliked that week's clue. I've moved on to the next clue now so once it's done I'll post another pic.
Speaking of Pics here's a couple to show what I've done lately. The socks without their ends woven in yet.
Another start to a baby set. 2 little mitts in a soft lilac color with shells added to make then girlier.
A lovely email
1 hour ago
Your socks look fab! I need to get moving on the pair I have cast on.
Your socks look cosy and very stripey..
I love your mittens, I have baby booties that I would like to do for one of my YoP :)
You've been busy!
I don't take my knittng/crochet to other peoples houses, unless I'm related to them or I know that they knit/crochet too. It is always lovely homing home to my crafting though.
It is hard to force yourself to weave in the ends before the FO photo, isn't it? Cute socks!
I take mine pretty much everywhere (knitting that is).
Your socks are fab and I always take projects along with me... I do the school runs with knitting in tow and its amazing how much you can get done. I find the best ones for taking in tow are the easy patterns.
Your socks and baby mitts are great. And yes, I take my knitting everywhere with me. I also went to a BBQ last night and took it with me and worked on it after dinner while conversation was going. I also had it with me yesterday at a class I was required to take. I worked on it during lunch. It is never far from my side. I don't consider it rude at all. It goes to ball games, car rides, family visits, pool parties, even to church if we are really early.
The socks are wonderful! I've never tried making sock, but I do have a pair on my YoP list:)
Awesome you're having such fun with your socks, the blue mix looks so comfy.
I think taking your knitting along is fine. So what if you don't want idle hands?
True dedication to that sock project w/the striping. Much props to you.
Your socks look great. I take my knitting (usually a sock) most places, it can always stay in the bag if I don't think it is ok to bring it out, but you never know when you might have to hang around for a bit and I hate wasting time
lovely socks!! i have a specific bag that is for easy, travel projects. I may not always bring it out but at least it is there. the other day i was knitting while playing a board game with friends and they didn't even notice! LOL!
Love those socks!
I am addicted to socks, have been knitting them for over 50 years. My other love is Knitting and Designing for babies.
I have no idea how, but the post from my charity blog was duplicated and ended up on my Sandy's Space blog. The blog was there earlier, as I added the cut and paste from it to The Hive...clueless on the tech part of what went wrong. The correct post for Pink Petuna is up again on Sandy's Space, but...if you're intersted in the other with the tabs discussed, please hop over to Bridge and Beyond, my charity blog. There's a badge and link for it on Sandy's Space. Thanks for leaving a note so I knew there was a problem.
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