Saturday, December 10, 2011

YoP Post #23

I have been making African Flower Motifs. I haven't done the white borders yet because I didn't know how they would be joined but I think I found a good tutorial to help me figure that part out :)

I finally found a pattern that I like for the Fingerless gloves for my Mom. Took me forever of searching but these will match the scarf I gave her for her Birthday and the shells hat too.

I want to post pics of something I tested for Marie at Underground Crafter. I'll wait though :) It's an awfully cute piggy. Which brings me to the Guinnea pig again. "Migdet" asked the Santa at the photo shop for one and he said "I'll see what I can do"! I was already going to try my hardest to get one but now I'll really have to bring my A-game. Oh well, I love Guinnea Pigs anyway. The're so sweet and cuddly and, most importantly, adverse to biting.

As to the changes in my YoP List, I want to be rid of the:
  • Flowery Stitch markers (thread)
  • Misty Shrug (nobody I know likes this)
  • Crochet Socks (I like knitting my socks)
  • Lace Gloves (thread)
  • Swimming Hole (curls too much and I can't find a color for this I truely like)
And I'm exchanging these for :
I'm probably forgetting something but there always next week right?

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Yop Post # 22

The hat is done! I wont show any pics till after Christmas. This is not, as some may think, because I want the finished hat to be a suprise for you guys too but instead it is because I was so excited to get it done I imediately wrapped it for Christmas. *sigh* I completely forgot to take a pic first.

I also finished the Leisel Scarf which only came out to 4 feet and a few inches. No where near long enough for a scarf so I sewed the ends together and made it into a cowl. I don't know if I will be keeping it or not but I really like it. It all depends on if someone unexpected comes to the family party and if that someone is a girl.

My  kid wants a Guinnea Pig fro Christmas. But not just a guinnea pig, Oh no, a guinnea pig from SANTA which makes it all a bit harder since I've no place to stash an animal for a few days to a week (which is when all the pet stores close for the holiday) nor do I have a cage and supplies for the thing either. Santa better get a move on! (^_^) What crazy things have your kids asked Santa for?

All in all no pics this week but Christmas is a very busy time for just about everybody so a little slacking off on the posting front is acceptable. Right?