Sunday, November 28, 2010


Coughing, sneezing, achy... Hey isn't that a commercial! I have been sick lately. No energy for anything. I almost didn't even have the oomph to sit and knit and watch my holiday movies. I am getting a bit better slowly and surely mostly i think because I've slept alot. once almost till noon. I'll be more entertainment later I'm sure.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

No Pictures

I wish I had taken a picture of the table setting we had today. Maybe it could have sustained us in the coming year when they print more money and pass that food safety bill that keeps people like me from having my garden and my hens. But on a lighter note today was wonderful! The meal was delicious and the company was delightful and fun. Every family got to take home one of my Pumpkin Pies. Everyone invited showed up! Last year one of my brothers and his family couldn't come and canceled last minute. I don't usually complain about leftovers but I had made a massive turkey and there was just too much. I could not even think of enough things to make it into after soup and potpie and sandwiches I started just winging it. I hope all of you out there have had and continue to have a lovely holiday and life!

Monday, November 22, 2010

Cooking Dinner

We have an extended kind of family here. My brothers want to bring there girlfriends and my kid wants her other uncle plus my parents. The timing is rough to say the least! We have decided to have our Thanksgiving Dinner tomorrow instead of Thursday. Tonight I spent 5 hours cooking and otherwise preparing the house for our party with help from my mother. Turkey, seven pies, stuffing, homemade cranberry sauce, candied yams, deviled eggs, green beans and new potatoes, rolls, and probably at least one thing I have forgotten to list. :) Theres so very much to be thankful for not the least of which is that we could afford to have a big family dinner at all this year.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Another Giveaway!

There is another giveaway! This time at Sharri's Snapzshotz blog. It's for a $25 gift certificate to Amazing Graze Farm General Store at Down On The Farm Blog. They have so many kitchen things and I love cooking and especially having just the right tool for any job.


There is a giveaway at StoneGable Blogspot for this beautiful set of Christmas Dishes. There are so many ways to enter this giveaway. Please check it out!!!

Thursday, November 18, 2010


Still no pics. I don't know what is going on with this thing! When I figure this out we can get back to our program.

Monday, November 15, 2010

A Good Book

So apparently my blogger is having some problems. It wont let me post any pictures tonight. I am reading this book and I love it! I was going to post a pic of the book and it's library friend (Which I hope to get to read next) but instead I shall just tell you about it. The first is titled Cherries In Winter and I just got it from the library yesterday so all you library patrons IT'S THERE! Anyway it is a story of this recession only I find that even though this **** ain't funny this book is halfway to lightening it up for me. It has recipes and the main story. The next book I haven't read yet but the title drew me in Budget Dinners! 100 Recipes Your Family Will Love. I hope it's good.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Birthday Party

Today we had my brothers birthday party. He is the middle child and he is exactly 9 months and 11 days younger than I am. My youngest brother is exactly 9 months and 10 days younger than my middle brother. I like to think of it as bad planning sometimes but today it was just funny.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010


We've been stretching out the sickness here at home. First Midget brought strep throat home from school (I learned last year that certain moms brought their kids in sick on purpose so they could get the perfect attendance award), then she gave it to me right near the end when I thought I had escaped. I of course gave it to her grandma and grandpa because I didn't even realize I was sick until too late. In the end I just hope we don't have to go through this routine all over again. At least not this year!

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Chasing Chickens

We don't let the chickens loose often but when we do it's great fun. The white hen is our Aricauna. Shes the most docile when cornered. She lets up pet her if we press down slightly on her head she squats and spreads her wings for a good wing scratch and after we pet her she just has to fix all those feathers with a good shake or two.
My dad helped me put in a better gate for the chicken yard last weekend. It was kind of half finished before but we had the gate fencing hooked to the stable fencing with the c clips. now I can get in there much easier and hopefully the racoons and such can't.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

5 Days

Thats how long it took to get our phone fixed. For 5 days calls showed up on our ID without us being able to answer them. The answering machine was no help all the people who tried to leave a message got nothing but a grinding sound. But the guy came today!! He fixed it in 2 hours or less. I'm so happy. I did have to clean out the inbox and everything but all in all Yay!