Monday, March 28, 2011

Been A While

Lot going on right now. Mostly spring stuff. Seeds started in trays and lettuce planted. Spring cleaning has been in full effect for almost a month. We had a fight with a bunk-bed and won! So much more room in "Midgets" room now. Makes me happy to see that room neater and more open. I finished a few Knitting projects. A shawl, a bunny toy, and a tiny shirt for Barbie. I don't know how often I'll be posting now that I've got my garden and things to tend. See ya later!

Thursday, March 10, 2011


Over at "Forgotten Way Blog" there having a giveaway for a set of Homesteading for Beginners DVD's. If your just starting out this might be a great way to get some info. Or if your like me and reading only gives you a glimpse of how to knowledge then maybe you just need to see it to understand. Go on over and enter before it's too late!